Sound of Music I Cant Face Him Again

'The Sound Of Music' was based on the real-life story of the Von Trapp Family unit Singers.

The movie came out in 1965 and gained huge popularity. The picture show is still considered a classic to this day.

Stars like Julie Andrews as Maria, Christopher Plummer as Helm Von Trapp, Norma Varden as Frau Schmidt or, Peggy Wood every bit Mother Abbess acted wonderfully and made the movie what it is. The movie tells a sweet and beautiful story. Read upward on our quotes to empathise the magic of information technology.

If you liked our 'Audio Of Music' quotes, go check out Julie Andrews quotes and Mary Poppins quotes.

Best 'The Sound Of Music Quotes

Christopher Plummer quotes from the movie are funny.

These are some of the best 'The Audio Of Music' movie quotes for you to enjoy.

1. "Louisa von Trapp: I'one thousand Brigitta.

Maria: You didn't tell me how old you are… Louisa.

Brigitta: I'm Brigitta, she's Louisa. She'southward xiii years old, and y'all're smart! I'm ten, and I recollect your dress is the ugliest 1 I always saw!"

- 'The Sound Of Music'.

2. "Captain von Trapp: I don't care to hear anything further from you about my children.

Maria: I am not finished yet, Captain!

Captain von Trapp: Oh, aye, you are, Captain!

Helm von Trapp: Fraulein!"

- 'The Sound Of Music'.

three. "Captain von Trapp: Fraulein, were you this much trouble at the Abbey?

Maria: Oh, much more, sir."

- 'The Audio Of Music'.

iv. "Max: Even if it's to a height of 10,000 feet, George e'er believes in rising to the occasion!

Captain von Trapp: Unless the jokes ameliorate I'm taking back my invitation."

- 'The Audio Of Music'.

v. "Brigitta: Uncle Max, are you sure father will approve of our singing in public?

Max: Oh, he'll be pleased and proud.

Brigitta: Liesl, do you recall so?

Max: Don't you trust me?

Brigitta: No.

Max: You're a very intelligent girl."

- 'The Sound Of Music'.

6. "Addicted as I am of you lot... I actually don't think you're the right man for me. Y'all're, um... You lot're much also independent. And I - I demand someone who needs me badly... or at to the lowest degree needs my money desperately."

- The Baroness, 'The Audio Of Music'.

7. "Friedrich von Trapp: I'm Friedrich. I'm 14. I'm impossible!

Maria: Really? Who told you lot that, Friedrich?

Friedrich von Trapp: Fraulein Josephine, iv governesses agone."

- 'The Sound Of Music'.

viii. "There's zippo more irresistible to a man than a woman who'due south in beloved with him."

- The Baroness, 'The Sound Of Music'.

9. "I like rich people. I like the way they live. I like the way I live when I'thou with them."

- Max, 'The Audio Of Music'.

x. "You are the twelfth in a long line of governesses who have come up hither to await after my children since their female parent died. I trust y'all will be an comeback on the last one. She stayed only two hours."

- Captain von Trapp, 'The Sound Of Music'.

xi. "Herr Zeller: I've non asked you where y'all and your family are going. Nor have you asked me why I am hither.

Captain von Trapp: Well, apparently, we're both suffering from a pitiful lack of curiosity."

- 'The Sound Of Music'.

12. "Maria: Children tin can't do all the things they're supposed to if they have to worry nearly spoiling their precious clothes.

Captain von Trapp: They haven't complained notwithstanding.

Maria: Well, they wouldn't cartel! They love y'all too much. They *fright* y'all likewise much!"

- 'The Sound Of Music'.

thirteen. "Maria, these walls were non meant to close out bug. You have to confront them. You have to alive the life you lot were born to live."

- Mother Abbess, 'The Sound Of Music'.

fourteen. "When the Lord closes a door, somewhere He opens a window."

- Maria, 'The Sound Of Music'.

15. "Y'all know how Sister Berthe always makes me buss the floor later on we've had a disagreement? Well, lately I've taken to kissing the flooring whenever I see her coming, only to salvage time."

- Maria, 'The Sound Of Music'.

Music Quotes From 'The Sound Of Music'

Sound Of Music movie quotes are magical.

The flick depicts how music changes the lives of a little family. Here are some motion-picture show quotes about music that tells a story.

16. "Mother, I could never be lost up at that place. That's my mountain. I was brought up on it … When I was a child, I would come up down and climb a tree and look in your garden. I'd see the sisters at work and hear them sing."

- Maria, 'The Audio Of Music'.

17. "The hills are alive with the sound of music

With songs they have sung for a 1000 years

The hills fill my heart with the sound of music.

My heart wants to sing every song it hears."

- Maria, 'The Audio Of Music'.

18. "Max: Friedrich, Gretl, why don't you sing?

Gretl: I can't, I've got a sore finger."

- 'The Sound Of Music'.

xix. "My fellow Austrians, I shall not exist seeing y'all again perhaps for a very long time. I would similar to sing for you now... a love song. I know you share this love. I pray that you lot will never let information technology die."

- Captain von Trapp, 'The Sound Of Music'.

20. "Captain von Trapp: What'southward that?

Maria: It'due south singing.

Captain von Trapp: Yeah, I realize it's singing, merely who?

Maria: The children.

Captain von Trapp: The children?

Maria: I taught them something to sing for the Baroness."

- 'The Audio Of Music'.

21. "Maria: I can't seem to stop singing wherever I am. And what'south worse, I can't seem to stop saying things - anything and everything I think and feel.

Mother Abbess: Some people would call that honesty."

- 'The Sound Of Music'.

22. "Max: The Von Trapp Family unit Singers. Hither are your names: Liesl, Friedrich, Louisa, Brigitta, Kurt, Marta and Gretl.

Gretl: Why am I always terminal?

Max: Because you are the nigh of import."

- 'The Sound Of Music'.

23. "The Von Trapp children don't play. They march."

- Frau Schmidt, 'The Sound Of Music'.

24. "You brought music back into the house. I had forgotten."

- Captain von Trapp, 'The Sound Of Music'.

25. "Herr Zeller: The Anschluss is coming - and it is coming, Helm - mayhap they would get further with you by setting their words to music.

Captain von Trapp: If the Nazis take over Republic of austria, I have no doubt, Herr Zeller, that y'all will exist the entire trumpet section."

- 'The Audio Of Music'.

Funny Quotes From Sound Of Music

Below are some of the funniest 'Audio Of Music' movie quotes.

26. "The Baroness: Not too sweet, not too sour.

Max: Just too, uh... pink."

- 'The Audio Of Music'.

27. "Max: Hold on. What'due south so funny?

Helm von Trapp: You lot are, Max. Expensive, only very funny."

- 'The Sound Of Music'.

28. "Maria: Why didn't you lot children tell me you lot could dance?

Kurt: We were agape you'd make the states all dance together. The von Trapp Family dancers."

- 'The Audio Of Music'.

29. "Uh, Fräulein... is information technology to be at every meal, or merely at dinnertime, that you, uh, intend leading u.s. all through this rare and wonderful new world of... indigestion?"

- Helm von Trapp, 'The Sound Of Music'.

thirty. "Captain von Trapp: Do yous mean to tell me that my children have been roaming about Salzburg dressed up in cipher but some old drapes?

Maria: Mmm-hmmm. And having a marvelous time!"

- 'The Audio Of Music'.

31. "I forgot the other male child. Oh, what's his name? Oh, well, God bless What's-his-name."

- Maria, 'The Sound Of Music'.

32. "Maria: Gretl, what happened to your finger?

Gretl: It got caught.

Maria: Defenseless in what?

Gretl: Friedrich's teeth."

- 'The Audio Of Music'.

33. "Maria: Kurt, how are you?

Kurt: Hungry."

- 'The Sound Of Music'.

34. "Only grown-up men are scared of women."

- Kurt, 'The Audio Of Music'.

35. "Captain: It's the clothes. You'll have to put on another one before you lot run into the children.

Maria: Merely I don't have another one. When we entered the abbey our worldly clothes were given to the poor.

Captain: What about this one?

Maria: The poor didn't want this one."

- 'The Sound Of Music'.

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