Rolling over, reaching, grabbing and giggles — at 4 months onetime, your infant's irresolute so fast that it's difficult to keep up! Your baby'south md volition want to note every adorable new skill at this month'due south checkup, which will as well include another circular of vaccines. Here's what you lot can wait.

The physical checkup

It's checkup fourth dimension — and that means you get to check out your little one's growth. Your baby's medico will wait at the overall tendency of your baby'southward length, weight and caput circumference measurements. Are your infant'due south length and weight increasing at a healthy footstep? Is he happy, active and warning? Is development on target?

If the answer to these questions is yes, then whether he's in the tenth or the 90th percentile at his 4-month visit doesn't matter ... he'southward only the right size for him!

Your doctor will as well perform checks of baby'due south optics, hearing and overall health.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that moms be screened for postpartum depression at the 4-month checkup, then ask if you accept any questions about your moods or your partner's.

Developmental milestones

Your piddling one does much of his developing while he sleeps — although y'all may be wondering when he'll develop the ability to sleep through the dark! Some (merely certainly not all) babies beginning to sleep for longer stretches at night around 12 weeks, and some fifty-fifty sleep through the nighttime.

The doctor volition want to know all well-nigh your babe'southward sleep patterns, including naps and nighttime sleep, then keep notes handy. Your baby's doctor will also want to know if your baby is ...

  • Doing baby push-ups — raising his caput and possibly his chest while on his tummy
  • Rolling from tummy to dorsum; some babies volition have started flipping over, while others may not
  • Holding his caput up when in your artillery or even when held upright
  • Paying attending to small objects and trying to reach for everything he sees
  • Watching an object move in a 180-degree arc, from i side to the other
  • Mixing upward those breathy coos with some consonants and other sweet sounds (laughing! giggling!)

Recall, every babe is one-of-a-kind — and there's a wide range of normal when it comes to development. Even so, if you accept any concerns about your little ane's milestones, make sure you check with your doctor. You tin can too enquire him or her about ways to keep your baby's development on rails or boost it.

four-calendar month shots

With a cuddle, a favorite toy or pacifier, your infant will likely canvas through this month's vaccines.

Most will be the 2nd dose in a series, and each one of the recommended doses is vital in helping protect your footling 1 against serious illnesses. Vaccines given at the 4-calendar month visit include:

  • DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis)
  • Hib (haemophilus influenzae type b)
  • IPV (inactivated poliovirus)
  • PCV13 (pneumococcal illness)
  • RV (rotavirus)

Questions to ask your doctor

With new milestones, in that location are sure to be new questions. Here are some things you may desire to ask the pediatrician near at this well-baby visit:

  • My babe is starting to sleep for longer stretches overnight. Is it time to get-go sleep training?
  • He'south drooling upwards a storm and sucking on everything — could he be teething already?
  • My baby is starting to suck his thumb. Should I discourage him from doing it?
  • When should we transition him from a bassinet to a crib?
  • Is it safe to keep swaddling him?
  • How many poops should he be doing a day now?

Every bit ever, don't forget to brand the adjacent appointment — this time for baby's 6-month visit — earlier leaving the doctor's office.