Princess and the Frog Disney Movie Script

  1. Judgement

    Apr 7, 2018
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    The Evening Star is shining bright

    So make a wish and hold on tight

    There's magic in the air tonight

    And anything can happen


    "Just at that moment,

    "the ugly little frog looked up with

    his sad, round eyes and pleaded,

    "'Oh, please, dear princess,

    "'only a kiss from you

    can break this terrible spell

    "'that was inflicted on me

    by a wicked witch!'"


    Here comes my favorite part.


    "And the beautiful princess was

    so moved by his desperate plea

    "that she stooped down,

    picked up the slippery creature,

    "leaned forward, raised him to her lips,

    "and kissed that little frog!



    "Then, the frog was transformed

    into a handsome prince.

    "They were married and lived

    happily ever after. The end."



    Read it again! Read it again!

    Sorry, Charlotte.

    It's time for us to be heading home.

    Say "good night," Tiana.

    There is no way

    in this whole wide world

    I would ever, ever, ever...

    I mean, never kiss a frog. Yuck!

    Is that so?

    Well, here's your

    Prince Charming, Tia.

    -Come on. Kiss him.


    -Kiss him!

    -Stop it!

    -Kiss him, kiss him, kiss him!

    -I won't, I won't, I won't!

    I would do it. I would kiss a frog.

    I would kiss a hundred frogs

    if I could marry a prince

    and be a princess.



    You girls, stop tormenting

    that poor little kitty.

    Poor little thing.


    Evening, Eudora.

    Daddy! Daddy!

    Look at my new dress. Isn't it pretty?

    Look at you.

    Why, I'd expect nothing less

    from the finest seamstress

    in New Orleans.

    Ooh! I want that dress!

    -Now, sugarplum...

    -I want that one!

    Please, please, please, please!

    Eudora, you suppose you could whip

    something up like that?

    Anything for my best customer.


    Come along, Tiana. Your daddy

    should be home from work by now.

    All right now, princess,

    you're getting that dress, but that's it.

    No more Mr. Pushover.

    Now, who wants a puppy?


    I do! I do! He's so cute!





    Gumbo smells good, Tiana.

    I think it's done, Daddy.

    -Yeah? Are you sure?


    -Absolutely positive?


    Okay, I'm about to put this spoon

    in my...





    -Well, sweetheart,

    this is the best gumbo I've ever tasted!

    Come here.

    Eudora, our little girl's got a gift.

    Mmm-hmm. I could've told you that.

    A gift this special just got to be shared.

    Hey, everybody, I made gumbo!


    Ooh, that smells good!

    I got some hush puppies, Tiana.

    Here I come!

    You know the thing

    about good food?

    It brings folks together

    from all walks of life.

    It warms them right up

    and it puts little smiles on their faces.

    And when I open up

    my own restaurant,

    I tell you, people are going

    to line up for miles around

    just to get a taste of my food.

    Our food.

    (LAUGHS) That's right, baby. Our food.


    -Daddy! Look!

    -Where are you going?

    Charlotte's fairy tale book said

    if you make a wish on the Evening Star,

    it's sure to come true.

    Well, you wish on that star, sweetheart.

    Yes. You wish and you dream

    with all your little heart.

    But you remember, Tiana, that

    that old star can only take you

    part of the way.

    You got to help it along with

    some hard work of your own,

    and then, yeah, you can do anything

    you set your mind to.

    Just promise your daddy one thing.

    That you'll never, ever lose sight

    of what's really important.


    See you in the morning, babycakes.

    Get some sleep.

    Please, please, please!



  2. Judgement

    Apr 7, 2018
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  3. Judgement

    Apr 7, 2018
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    Well, Miss Tiana, rough night for tips,

    but every little penny counts.

    Don't you worry, Daddy.

    We'll be there soon.



    Good night, Cal's.

    Good morning, Duke's.

    (SINGING) In the south land,

    there's a city

    Way down on the river

    Where the women are very pretty

    And all the men deliver


    They got music, it's always playing

    Start in the daytime

    Go all through the night

    When you hear that music playing

    Hear what I'm sayin'

    It make you feel all right

    Grab somebody, come on down

    Bring your paintbrush

    We painting the town

    There's some sweetness goin' round

    Catch it down in New Orleans

    We got magic, good and bad

    Make you happy or make you real sad

    Get everything you want

    Lose what you had

    Down here in New Orleans


    Hey, partner!

    Don't be shy

    Come on down, yeah, and give us a try

    If you wanna do some livin'

    before you die

    Do it down in New Orleans


    Stately homes and mansions

    Of the sugar barons

    and the cotton kings

    Rich people, poor people

    all got dreams

    Dreams do come true in New Orleans




    Order up!

    -Another coffee here, chre.

    -Coming right up, Virgil.

    -Hey, Tiana!

    -Morning, Georgia.

    -Hey, how you doing, Tiana?

    -Hey, y'all.

    We all going out dancing tonight.

    Care to join us?

    -Yeah, come on. Live a little.

    -Come on, Tiana.

    -You can dance with me.

    -It's Mardi Gras.

    You know I got 2 left feet.

    Besides, I'm...

    You need a napkin, sweetheart?

    I'm going to work a double shift tonight.

    Here are your hotcakes.

    You know, so I can...

    So you can save for your restaurant.

    I know, I know.

    Girl, all you ever do is work.


    Order up!

    -Maybe next time.


    I told y'all she wouldn't come.

    Are you talking about

    that dang restaurant again?

    Buford, your eggs are burning.

    Oh! You ain't never going to get enough

    for the down payment.

    -I'm getting close.

    -Yeah, how close?

    Where are my flapjacks?


    You got about as much chance

    of getting that restaurant

    as I do of winning the Kentucky Derby!


    Saddle me up, y'all! It's post time.

    Giddyup, giddyup.


    -Morning, Mr. La Bouff.

    -Good morning, Tiana.

    Congratulations on being voted

    King of the Mardi Gras parade.

    Caught me completely by surprise,

    for the 5th year in a row!


    Now, how about I celebrate with...


    Got a fresh batch just waiting for you.

    Well, keep them coming till I pass out.

    Oh, Tia!

    -Tia, Tia, Tia, did you hear the news?

    -Hey, Charlotte.

    Tell her. Oh, tell her, Big Daddy!

    Oh, yeah, Prince Naveen...

    Prince Naveen of Maldonia

    is coming to New Orleans!


    Oh! Isn't he the bee's knees?

    Tell her what you did, Big Daddy.

    Tell her!

    -Well, I invited...

    -Big Daddy invited the prince

    to our masquerade ball tonight!


    Tell her what else you did, Big Daddy.

    Go on.

    -And he's staying...

    -And he's staying...

    And he's staying in our house

    as my personal guest.


    Oh, Lottie, that's swell.

    A little word of advice.

    My mama always said,

    "The quickest way to a man's heart

    is through his stomach."


    -Ah! That's it!

    -What just happened?

    Tia! You are a bona fide genius.

    I'm going to need about 500

    of your man-catching beignets

    for my ball tonight.

    Excuse me, Daddy.

    Will this about cover it?

    This should cover it just fine, Lottie.

    This is it! I'm getting my restaurant!


    Tonight my prince is finally coming.

    And I sure as heck ain't letting him go!


  4. Judgement

    Apr 7, 2018
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    Everything looks peachy-keen,

    Mr. Fenner and Mr. Fenner.

    We'll have all the paperwork ready

    to sign, first thing after Mardi Gras.

    I'll do you one better.

    Why don't I sign them tonight

    when I see y'all

    at the La Bouffs' masquerade ball?

    MR. FENNER 2:

    You drive a hard bargain, Tiana!


    Table for one, please?

    Oh! Mama.

    Here's a little something

    to help you get started.

    Daddy's gumbo pot.


    I know.


    I miss him, too.

    Well, now. Hurry up and open the door!

    Just look at it, Mama.

    Doesn't it just make you want to cry?


    The maitre d' is going to be right

    where you're standing.

    Oh! And over here, a gourmet kitchen!

    And hanging from the ceiling,

    a big old crystal chandelier!

    (CHUCKLING) You're your

    daddy's daughter, all right.

    He used to go on and on

    about this old sugar mill, too.

    Babycakes, I'm sure this place

    is going to be just wonderful,

    but it's a shame

    you are working so hard.

    But how can I let up now

    when I'm so close?

    I got to make sure all Daddy's

    hard work means something.


    Your daddy may not have gotten

    the place he always wanted,

    but he had something better.

    He had love.

    And that's all I want for you,


    to meet your Prince Charming

    and dance off into

    your happily ever after.

    Mama! I don't have time for dancing.

    (SINGING) That's just gonna have

    to wait a while

    How long we talking about here?

    Ain't got time for messing around

    And it's not my style

    I want some grandkids!

    This old town can slow you down

    People taking the easy way

    But I know exactly where I'm going

    I'm getting closer and closer every day

    And I'm almost there

    I'm almost there

    People down here think I'm crazy

    But I don't care

    Trials and tribulations

    I've had my share

    There ain't nothing gonna stop me now

    'Cause I'm almost there

    I remember Daddy told me

    Fairy tales can come true

    You got to make them happen

    It all depends on you

    So I work real hard

    each and every day

    Now things for sure are going my way

    Just doing what I do

    Look out, boys, I'm coming through

    And I'm almost there


    I'm almost there

    People gonna come here

    from everywhere

    And I'm almost there

    I'm almost there

    There's been trials and tribulations

    You know I've had my share

    But I've climbed a mountain

    I've crossed a river

    And I'm almost there

    I'm almost there

    I'm almost there

    Excuse me!

    You need a hand there, buddy?









    I've been looking for you everywhere.

    What a coincidence, Lawrence.

    I have been avoiding you everywhere.

    We're going to be late

    for the masquerade.

    Listen, Lawrence, listen!


    It's jazz. It's jazz music!

    It was born here.

    Is beautiful, no?


    Dance with me, fat man.

    Stay loose, Lawrence!

    We're supposed to be

    at the La Bouff estate by now!

    Yes, yes, yes,

    but first I buy everyone here a drink!


    With what?

    At this point, you have 2 choices,

    woo and marry a rich young lady

    or get a job!



    All right. Fine. But first we dance!

    No, this is idiocy!

    For someone who cannot see his feet,

    you're very light on them!

    Is perfect!

    You finally got into the music.

    Do you get my joke?

    Because your head is... It's in the tuba.

    -Get me out!

    -All right.

    Hold on. One...


    How degrading!

    I've never been so humiliated.




    A tip of the hat from Dr. Facilier.

    How y'all doing?

    "Tarot readings, charms, potions.

    Dreams made real."

    Were I a betting man, and I'm not,

    I stay away from games of chance...



    I'd wager I'm in the company

    of visiting royalty.

    Lawrence. Lawrence!

    This remarkable gentleman

    has just read my palm.

    Or this morning's newspaper.

    (SOFTLY) Sire!

    This chap is obviously a charlatan.

    I suggest we move on to a less...

    (SINGING) Don't you disrespect me,

    little man

    Don't you derogate or deride

    You're in my world now, not your world

    And I got friends on the other side

    He's got friends on the other side

    That's an echo, gentlemen.

    Just a little something we have here

    in Louisiana, little parlor trick.

    Don't worry.

    Sit down at my table

    Put your minds at ease

    If you relax, it will enable me

    to do anything I please

    I can read your future

    I can change it round some, too

    I look deep into your heart and soul

    You do have a soul

    don't you, Lawrence?

    Make your wildest dreams come true

    I got voodoo, I got hoodoo

    I got things I ain't even tried

    And I got friends on the other side

    He's got friends on the other side

    The cards, the cards

    The cards will tell

    The past, the present

    and the future, as well

    The cards, the cards, just take 3

    Take a little trip into your future

    with me

    Now you, young man

    are from across the sea

    You come from 2 long lines

    of royalty

    I' m a royal myself on my mother's side.

    Your lifestyle's high

    But your funds are low

    You need to marry a little honey

    whose daddy got dough

    Mom and Dad cut you off,

    huh, playboy?

    Eh, sad but true.

    Now y'all got to get hitched.

    But hitching ties you down.

    You just want to be free,

    hop from place to place.

    But freedom takes green.


    It's the green, it's the green

    It's the green you need

    And when I look into your future

    it's the green that I seen

  5. Milking

    Jan 2, 2015
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  6. Milking

    Jan 2, 2015
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Princess and the Frog Disney Movie Script


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